The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ (GEPA℠) – A Learning Family Solution℠

Employment: Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment Learning Family Solution
Available Downloads
  • GEPA℠ Brochure [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Whitepaper Abstract [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Sample Score Report and Question Detail [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Development Guide℠ Table of Contents (Most Recent Edition) [PDF]
  • What Does the Average Job Seeker Know About Conducting an Effective Job Search? [PDF]
  • 2015 Job Search Competence Study [PDF]
What the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ Measures

Jobs are America’s Number One challenge, and the rules for conducting a successful job search continue to change rapidly as a result of continued high unemployment, technological advances, and a global job market. The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ (GEPA℠) measures someone’s readiness to conduct a successful career search.

The subject matter experts who developed GEPA℠ have taken what they learned from conducting more than 30,000 job interviews across virtually all industry sectors and developed a highly reliable assessment that measures what an individual knows about the current and emerging best practices of conducting an effective job search. It measures more than 350 best of the most important job search best practices associated with five key career search competencies:

  • Career Research – begin the process of identifying the right career path, employers, positions, and resources from which to launch your search.
  • Career Search Preparation – create the essential materials and portfolio required for an effective career search, including what is necessary to manage your career search.
  • Interview Preparation – everything necessary to interview with poise and confidence, whether in-person or via a virtual or telephone interview.
  • Effective Interviewing – opening the interview and winning your dream job through the effective use of interview soft skills and technical skills.
  • Following Up an Interview – your action plan to manage your search and land the ideal opportunity, from the moment you leave the interview until you begin your first day on the job.
The Challenges of Getting Hired Today
“Getting hired today is almost a science in itself. All the stuff you have to navigate just to get near the top of an employer’s list. It’s not enough just to have a degree…you have to have the skills necessary to get hired so you can put that degree to work.”

That’s what Mary Fernandez, Director of Career Services at a local university says about the challenges confronting today’s job seeker.

It is no secret that today’s job market is the most turbulent one in more than a half century, and virtually every expert expects this trend to continue for the rest of the decade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates real unemployment in some age groups is over 20%, and underemployment may affect another 30% of job seekers.

In addition to a challenging labor market, the rules for career search keep changing, thanks to the advent of electronic search. The average adult has received less than eight hours of instruction on conducting a career search, and what he or she knows is already quickly becoming out of date.

Consider this: by being at a disadvantage in your career search knowledge and skills, over time that disadvantage could wind up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars of total income.

GEPA℠ was developed to help individuals get a better job faster in their field of interest by equipping job seekers with the critical skills to land that ideal position.

GEPA℠ is a Complete Solution

GEPA℠ was designed to be a complete solution for any job seeker:

1.) An online assessment that takes about 45 minutes to complete and measures what a person does and does not know about the current and emerging best practices of conducting an effective career search;

2.) A downloadable Personal Score Report that shows how well the individual scored on his or her GEPA℠ Assessment;

3.) A six-page downloadable Personal Feedback Report that provides a high-level interpretation of the individual’s scores for each of the five GEPA℠ competencies, including suggested next steps;

4.) A downloadable GEPA℠ Development Guide, which is a “practical career search guide” containing all of the GEPA℠ best practices, how-to-examples, checklists, templates, and a personal GEPA℠ Action Planner, to help drive every step of a successful career search. Our 2017-18 edition explains more than 3,000 career and job search best practices and is fully hyperlinked to assure easy navigation; and

5.) Online access to all resources for one year.

GEPA℠ is a powerful tool that allows any job seeker to move far ahead of the pack by effectively utilizing the most current career search best practices found anywhere. By applying the GEPA℠ career search principles, candidates who meet the qualifications for positions of interest give themselves a significant advantage over all other candidates.

Benefits & Pricing

Invest less than the cost of a college textbook to get a better job faster, in your field of interest!

Face it! You expect your investment in higher education and work experience to will pay off in a better career with better compensation. You want to exchange your long hours of study and hard work to pay off. While your education and practical experiences prepared you for the technical aspects of your career, how well prepared are you to navigate the complicated employment maze?

For less than a hundred bucks – less than what you’ll probably earn on your very first day on the job – the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ (GEPA℠) can speed you on your way to beginning your career, or help you move to the next phase of your career.

Only GEPA℠ provides you with these valuable benefits:

  • Conduct a more efficient and effective career search.
  • Customizable action planner, templates, and checklists to direct each step of your career search.
  • Incorporates current and emerging technology and techniques.
  • Explains more than 3,000 proven best practices associated with a successful career search.
  • Affordable – priced at less than most college textbooks.
  • Powered by Measured Success™, the most trusted and secure online assessment platform in the world. Measured Success™ from McCann Associates delivers more than one hundred million secure and high stakes assessments annually for use in higher education, government and licensure & certification.
  • All 50 questions are randomized to improve validity as a testing instrument.
  • Can be completed as a series of five 10-question stand-alone assessments for use in a diagnostic-prescriptive educational environment.
  • GEPA℠ offers a retake option for either the 50-question assessment or the five 10-question assessments, enabling you to measure learning outcomes over time by comparing an initial score with a later score.

Energize your career search today by clicking on the link to Take the GEPA℠ Assessment!

Higher Education & Institutional Applications

Connecting People to a Better Career!

Listen to what your students and prospective students are telling you about connecting their education to a career. In a recent university study:

  • 100.0% of students and prospective students surveyed said they consider the career placement results of a college or university to be a critical factor in deciding whether or not to attend.
  • 96.9% of participants in the same survey stated they would choose a college or university that taught career search as part of its curriculum over one that did not, all other things being equal.
  • 93.8% of participants agreed or strongly agreed that career search education should be a required course in order to graduate.

GEPA℠ has proven itself to be a valuable tool in connecting people to a better career:

  • Used as a diagnostic, GEPA℠ helps career services staff pinpoint what individual job seekers need, leading to better engagement levels and support of the institution’s students and alumni.
  • Used in the classroom, GEPA℠ and its included textbook help undergrad, graduate and adult learners to navigate today’s challenging job market.
  • Used by alumni groups, GEPA℠ provides a valuable alumni benefit at no cost to the university.
  • Used by the for-profit higher ed sector, GEPA℠ can give you a leg up on Gainful Employment Regulations.
  • Used by military bases, GEPA℠ can help service personnel better prepare for their transition to civilian employment.

Contact us to learn more about how your institution can benefit from our programs and institutional pricing.

Professional Career Coaches

Connecting People to a Better Career!

Your clients come to you seeking professional help to search for a better future through securing the job of their dreams.

Question: How do they know what specific help they need, when they don’t know what they don’t know about conducting an effective career search?

Leading career coaches are incorporating GEPA℠ as a diagnostic tool to better serve their clients by measuring what the client knows and doesn’t know. After interpreting the client’s GEPA℠ results, a career coach can develop a custom action plan to equip each client with what is needed most.

Boyer Management Group has developed a career coaching program to equip career coaches with special pricing and education on how to utilize the GEPA℠ Assessment as a career coaching tool. Contact us to learn more!

What Our Customers Say About Us

“The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment allowed me to explore where I needed to improve in order to make my job search more successful.”

– Kristina C, University of Notre Dame graduate

“I was very impressed with the high quality of GEPA and the unique service it offered to students. I would recommend this assessment to anyone looking for a tool to prepare for getting a job in his/her field of interest. There is no other tool like this on the market.”

– Gwen R, Cairn University graduate

“BMG was contracted to develop and implement the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment and curriculum into the structure of the college where I served as Director of Career Services. The materials, which were well thought out, laid the ground work for a more successful graduate entering into the marketplace. As a Career Coach, I was not only impressed with the amount of work that went into the instrument but the deep quality of the material. This work is by far the best I have seen or used…EVER! I recommend BMG to anyone looking to take their school or institution to a level untapped before. This company delivers great results: innovative in thinking, thorough in communication and very knowledgeable as a subject matter expert relating to how best to prepare grads to exit the classroom and enter the marketplace.”

– Valton J, Director of Career Services, Higher Education

“BMG has developed a “Best of Class” assessment tool for measuring the preparedness of college graduates for the working world. This new assessment tool is the first on-line assessment that accurately assesses preparedness – analyzes gaps – recommends areas for improvement, and provides specific learning deliverables in the areas of weakness. As an adjunct, I see this as a tremendous need if colleges are to be successful in helping students obtain employment. Hank and his ground breaking work is a major contributor to the success of college graduates getting jobs in the new economy. I have reviewed his material in detail and highly recommend the use of the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment (GEPA).”

– Larry B, Senior Adjunct Professor, Higher Education.

Related FAQs, Quiz, Links & Case Studies
  • GEPA Case Study [View]
  • Conducting an Effective Job Search Quiz [View]
  • Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ FAQs [View]
  • From Classroom to Career℠ Curriculum [View]

Take GEPA℠ Online Now

Invest an hour of your time to dramatically increase your earnings.

All you need is a major credit card. By clicking the link below, you’ll be taken to the GEPA℠ Assessment page at our secure Vantage online store. Enter the requested information and you’ll be issued your unique log-in credentials. At your convenience, long in and take the GEPA℠ Assessment. Once you’ve completed the assessment, you can access your GEPA℠ Score Report, Personal Feedback Report, and GEPA℠ Development Guide.

Use the same credentials to log in any time over the next year to revisit your GEPA℠ Score Report, Personal Feedback Report and Development Guide. You may also download any of these resources and save them to your computer’s hard drive.

Multiple options for the GEPA Assessment:

  • Purchase a single GEPA Assessment and get the GEPA Score Report, Personal Feedback Report, and the GEPA Development Guide. Value priced at $99.88. Complete as a single 50-question assessment, or as a series of five 10-question assessments by competency.
  • Purchase the single GEPA Assessment plus a retake and get the GEPA Score Report, Personal Feedback Report, and the GEPA Development Guide. Once you’ve had a chance to improve your understanding by reading and applying the GEPA Development Guide, log on and retake the GEPA Assessment and measure your learning improvement! Value priced at $129.88

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