Defining Our Mission and Vision (Facilitated Mission Statement Creation Workshop)

Defining Our Mission and Vision

Session Length: 4-6 Hours | Target: Senior Management Team | Prerequisites: None

Many companies with talented people, a winning product or service, and a favorable business climate still struggle to achieve success because the organization’s is not operating as a cohesive unit. Like an engine badly in need of a tune up, the organization moves in a series of fits and starts and, as a result, is never fully able to take advantage of market conditions and the sales and profit opportunities available to it. Building a Winning Team brings together the leadership and management of the organization for the purpose of identifying the company’s mission and aligning the organizations’ staff to achieve the mission. In the process stronger team bonds are formed, which will facilitate productive relationships between managers and supervisors.

  • What is Leadership?
  • The Four Levels of Leadership, Leadership Behavior & Leadership and Team Alignment
  • Building a Mission Statement
  • Determining Our Core Competencies, Our Target Customers & Core Values
  • Creating Our Mission – Workshop
  • Institutionalizing Our Mission

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