Effective Communication Skills for Leaders – Leading Through People™ , Module 13

Becoming a More Effective Communicator

Session Length: 6 to 8 Hours | Target: All Company Supervisors and Above | Prerequisites: LTP 10 | Delivery: taught live only

All effective leaders are effective communicators. This practical workshop is designed to equip supervisors, managers, directors, and vice presidents with the keys to effective communications in order to better perform the critical parts of their function. Topics include:

    • Communications 101
      • Accurately assessing your own communication skills
      • Developing effective listening skills with an Active listening approach
      • Cultivating effective speaking skills using the elements of word choice, delivery, and body language
      • Recognizing the three communications styles, and how trust is affected with each
    • Workplace Communications
      • Practicing effective email communications, but opting for phone or in-person when appropriate
      • Document creation practices for effective presentations, and use as documentation
      • Keeping communications open when giving and receiving feedback
      • Communicating across departmental lines to negotiate, reach and confirm agreements
    • Leading a Productive Meeting
      • Understanding and executing the planning practices that make for an effective meeting
      • Opening and getting a meeting off to a positive start
      • Keeping a meeting productive and on track
      • Closing a meeting by recapping and agreeing on actions and responsibilities
    • The Silent Messages of Body Language
      • The important role of body language in the messages we see and hear
      • How posture and expressions communicate listening effectiveness and interest
      • Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
      • Maintaining appropriate and effective personal zones when communicating
    • Microexpressions
      • Recognizing microexpressions
      • What the seven universal microexpressions communicate
    • Effective Communications When Emotions Flare
      • Understanding what drives workplace stress and emotions
      • Recognizing how emotions in the workplace can create negative outcomes
      • Understanding how your DiSC profile and those of your staff may create workplace stress
      • Understanding how to climb the Empathy Ladder™ to reach positive outcomes when emotions flare
          • Module 13a: Dealing With Vocalized Fillers(LTP 13a)

            Session Length: 60-90 minutes | Target: All Staff Members | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Live or Virtual Webinar

            People naturally use vocalized fillers such as uhm, ah, and you know in order to fill the space between words when they are speaking. In professional settings vocalized fillers can be distracting and diminish the effectiveness of what a speaker says. This workshop helps people correct this habit. What’s included:

                • What is a vocalized filler and why do we use them?
                • How do vocalized fillers affect our perceived competence
                • Seven keys for dealing with our own vocalized fillers
                • Engaging accountability partners to monitor our improvement

                      Module 13b: Perfecting Your Elevator Pitch(LTP 13b)

                      Session Length: 60-90 minutes | Target: All Staff Members | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Live or Virtual Webinar

                      Most of us recognize the value of an elevator pitch – what to say quickly and succinctly in response to someone asking us what we do. New research shows that when most elevator pitches are used, they fail to achieve their objective. Here’s how to design and perfect an effective elevator pitch. What’s included:

                          • What is an elevator pitch and why do we use them?
                          • How recent research proves the traditional elevator pitch ineffective
                          • Four steps to develop your perfect, effective elevator pitch
                          • Learning how to deliver your perfect, effective elevator pitch

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