Becoming a First-Time Manager – Leading Through People™ , Module 37

Becoming a First-Time Manager

Session Length: 8 hours | Target: All non-managerial staff | Prerequisites: none

One of the most significant career transitions occurs when moving to a first-time supervisory role from an individual contributor role on a team or in a specialty area. Whether being promoted from within, or being hired to manage from outside, the challenges faced by a first-time manager can be daunting. This critical training program prepares first-time managers for success in their path ahead as they face challenges unlike those of being a successful individual contributor. Topics for LTP-37 include:

      • Your World Has Changed
        • new standards of behavior and performance
        • new expectations and deliverables
        • new relationships and challenges
            • Navigating a Promotion from Within, or Being Hired from the Outside
              • How to bond with your new team
              • Developing trust, respect, and effective communications
                  • Your First 30-60-90 Day Game Plan
                    • 1st 30 days: learning all about the people with you work
                    • 2nd 30 days: strengthening relationships and beginning talent development of your staff
                    • 3rd 30 days: shifting from developing your plan to executing it with your team
                        • Time Management Essentials for the First-Time Manager
                          • The urgent versus the important; where each of your activities fall
                          • A-B-C Prioritization of your tasks and projects
                          • The Big 10 method of managing and reporting progress on tasks and projects
                          • Managing New Relationships: Your Direct Reports, Your Peers, and Your Boss
                          • 7 Common Mistakes New Managers Make
                      • We strongly recommend this program be followed by LTP5 – Hiring, Staffing and Onboarding, and LTP – 6 Performance Management.

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