Presenting Your Ideas With Impact – Leading Through People™, Module 23

Session Length: 2 hours | Target: All Staff, All Levels | Prerequisites: None | Delivery: Taught live or webinar

As a manager, you need to communicate your ideas in a variety of venues to different people both inside and outside your own organization. Are you getting ready buy-in to your suggestions and ideas, or are you encountering a degree of resistance? This program focuses on how to present and discuss your ideas to peers, supervisors, the people you supervise, and those outside your organization, resulting in improved outcomes for both your ideas and your relationships. Here’s what we’ll cover:

      • What Can be Learned From the Times Your Recently Presented Your Ideas?
      • Understanding Where Your Audience is Coming From
        • Learning to be more sensitive to the perspectives of others
        • Why people might not be open to your ideas
        • How your attitude can help make people more receptive to your suggestions
      • Moving Your Ideas Forward
        • How to propose an idea for discussion
        • Supporting your viewpoint
        • Generating and refining ideas through open discussion
        • How to suggest solutions without being seen as demanding
        • Getting the group to decide on next steps to act on your idea

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