Making the People Around You SMARTER – Leading Through People™ , Module 28

Making the People Around You SMARTER - Leading Through People™ -Module 28

Session Length: 3 hours | Target: Supervisor and Above | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Taught live or webinar

As a supervisor, manager, director, or senior executive, how do you create an environment where your talented staff can perform to their optimal capacity? This workshop helps participants understand and cultivate the five behaviors which highly effective leaders use to accelerate the development of their staff. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Multipliers & Diminishers
    • What are the observable behaviors of multipliers and diminishers?
    • Analyzing Dilbert’s boss
  • The Five Behaviors of Multiplier Leaders
    • An overview of the five behaviors of a multiplier
    • What makes a leader a Talent Manager?
    • What makes a leader a Liberator?
    • What makes a leader a Challenger?
    • What makes a leader a Debate Maker?
    • What makes a leader an Investor?
  • My Action Plan to Become a Multiplier
    • Reflecting my own performance as a multiplier
    • How to become more of a multiplier leader
    • My action plan to become more of a multiplier leader
  • Includes a copy of the international best seller, Multipliers

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