Counterintuitive Principles to Ignite Passion & Effectiveness – Leading Through People™ , Module 30

Counterintuitive Principles to Ignite Passion & Effectiveness

As a Keynote Presentation LTP30a: Session Length: 30 to 60 minutes | Target: All Staff and Above | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Taught live or via webinar

As a Workshop LTP 30b: Session Length: 3 to 4 hours | Target: All Staff and Above | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Taught live only

Each of us is a prisoner of our own paradigms (the beliefs that shape the way we think about our world). Yet history shows that the greatest leaps forward come when we break through conventional thinking and adopt counterintuitive models. This course presents counterintuitive principles that have the potential to revolutionize the way you tackle today’s professional and personal challenges. Topics include:

      • The Breakthrough Thinking of Counterintuitive Principles
        • Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Paradigms?
      • Five Counterintuitive Principles:
        • Go Slow to Go Fast
        • The Busier You Are, the More You Need Quiet Time
        • Appearing Weaker Makes You Seem Stronger
        • Let Go to Gain Control
        • Don’t Hire in Your Own Image
      • Three More Counterintuitive Principles (workshop only):
        • Fear of Offending Offends More Than Offending Itself
        • The Golden Rule is Not Golden
        • If It Isn’t Broken, Break It
      • Workshops: Applying the Counterintuitive Principles in My Own Role
      • My Personal Counterintuitive Principle Action Plan

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