Mastering Virtual & Video Meetings – Leading Through People™, Module 38

Benefits Administration

Session Length: 6-8 hours | Target: All staff, all Levels | Prerequisites: B2BSE-1-10 suggested but not required | Delivery: taught live or via webinar

Now that much of the world is conducting meetings virtually instead of in-person, a new set of technical and soft skills are required by managers and staff to communicate effectively inside and outside the organization. Because video meeting cause participants to spend 2.5 times more time focusing on people’s faces than in physical face-to-face meetings, reskilling and upskilling for video communications can mean the difference between deepening relationships or losing them altogether. Note: this program is video platform agnostic and is not meant to teach the operations of a specific platform. Topics include:

  • Welcome to the Brave New World of Video & Virtual Meetings
    • The case for virtual and video meetings
    • Building trust when using virtual meetings
      • The Top Ten Video Meeting Preparation Best Practices
        • Most video meetings that fail, fail for one of these ten reasons
        • What you need to know about your connection, lighting, and equipment
        • What you need to know about your setting, backdrop, appearance, and positioning
        • What you need to know about your connecting, trial runs, and meeting basics
          • The Top Ten In-Meeting Best Practices for Video Meetings
            • What you need to know about hosting and opening a video meeting
            • Etiquette, presenting, and screen-sharing best practices for video meetings
            • The protocols for recording a video meeting and using in-meeting tools
            • Managing video meeting breaks and breakout sessions
            • How to successfully close a video meeting
              • Modeling & Interpreting Body Language in Video Meetings
                • Body language basics for video meetings
                • Discerning the difference between fake and genuine expressions
                • Understanding and interpreting micro-expressions and subtle-expressions
                • Eleven powerful body language tips for video meetings
                  • Optional 2-Hour Workshop for Special Purpose Meetings via Video (Choose):
                    • Special purpose ideas for effective interviewing via video
                    • Special purpose ideas for selling via video
                    • Special purpose ideas for training via video
                    • Special purpose ideas for collaboration and problem-solving via video
                    • Special purpose ideas for effective webinars via video
                    • Develop your own special purpose video meeting

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