Topgrading to Sustain High Achievement Performance – Leading Through People™, Module 8

Topgrading to Sustain High Achievement Performance – Leading Through People™, Module 8

Session Length: 3 Hours | Target: Supervisor and Above | Prerequisites: LTP 6 | Delivery: taught live or webinar

Topgrading is the practice made famous by CEO Jack Welch during his stewardship of General Electric. It involves the process of first evaluating all staff members, and then implementing development programs to improve each staff member’s level of performance. It also means moving the bottom performers into career paths where they can make more successful contributions. Topics include:

    • Topgrading Defined and its Track Record in Driving Sustained Excellence
      • The Pareto Principle in the workplace
      • Topgrading defined, and several major employers who use it
      • Case study: How Jack Welch Topgraded GE
      • The classic Topgrading model
    • Developing Topgrading Models for Different Job Functions
      • Ten measurement factors that define A-players, B-players, and C-players
      • Topgrading and the BMG Holistic Performance Management Model
      • Five steps to building a Topgrading Template for each position on staff
      • Example Topgrading Templates for six common positions
    • Evaluating the Measurable Differences A, B, and C-Players Make in an Organization
      • The current mix of A, B, and C-Players
      • What are the productivity contributions and management resource requirements for A, B, and C-Players?
      • What managers can learn from their A, B, and C-Players
      • How managers should allocate their time between A, B, and C-Players
      • Workshop: Developing my own Topgrading plan

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