Conducting a Thorough Needs Assessment – B2B Sales Essentials℠, B2BSE-4

Becoming a More Effective Communicator

Session Length: 5-7 hours* | Target: All staff, all Levels | Prerequisites: None | Delivery: taught live strongly encouraged

Conducting an effective needs assessment is the single most important selling skill a sales professional must master. In the limited time he or she has to speak with a prospect, successful sales professionals must ask the right questions in an effective and engaging manner to reveal a prospect’s wants, needs, circumstances, motivations, priorities, pain, and decision-making capacity. This module explores how to keep this process conversational and non-threatening, and will lay the foundation for a long-term customer relationship.

    • Topics in Advanced Prospecting include:
      • The Prerequisite Skills for Conducting Needs Assessments
      • Conducting Effective Questioning Sequences
      • Correctly Interpreting Prospect Responses
      • Selling at Business and Personal Levels
      • Needs Assessment Workshop and Skills Development
      • Smoothly Transitioning from Needs Assessment to Presenting Solutions
    • *the time differential for this module is based on how much practice is included in the workshop

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