DISC® for B2B Sales – B2B Sales Essentials℠, B2BSE-14

DISC® for B2B Sales

Session Length: 4 hours | Target: All staff, all Levels | Prerequisites: Completion of online profile required | Delivery: taught live or webinar

While we are acutely aware of the impact other people’s behaviors have on us, we are less aware of how our own behaviors impact others. The most successful sales professionals understand themselves, then they understand other people and situations, and they adapt their approach in order to be more effective with other people. This important module provides participants with an in-depth analysis of their own behaviors/sales behaviors and how these behaviors impact their selling and interpersonal effectiveness.

    • Topics in DISC® for B2B Sales include:
      • A Brief Overview of Behavioral Styles
      • DISC: a Technology & Tool to Better Manage Sales Relationships
      • Understanding Behavioral and Buying Styles
      • A Closer Look at Your Own DISC Pattern
      • Using DISC to Align With Others
      • What Your DISC Report Reveals About Your Approach to Selling
      • Strengths and Non-Strengths of Each DISC Style
      • Correlating You Natural DISC Selling Approach with B2BSE℠ Best Practices

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