Following Up Sales Effectively – B2B Sales Essentials℠, B2BSE-9

Following Up Sales Effectively

Session Length: 2 hours | Target: All staff, all Levels | Prerequisites:B2BSE-3-8 | Delivery: taught live or webinar

Successful B2B sales professionals take extra steps to follow-up with customers who moved forward with their purchase, as well as with prospects who did not move forward. This important module explores the best practice methods and tactics for delivering consistently extraordinary follow-up with customers and prospects in ways that deepen the relationship between solution providers and customer/prospects. Participants also discover what creates customer evangelists who provide a steady stream of referrals and recommendations, the most valuable prospects of all.

    • Topics in Following Up Sales Effectively include:
      • Possessing the Requisite Follow-Up Skills
      • Following-Up With Customers Who Did Purchase
      • Following-Up With Prospects Who Did Not Purchase
      • How to Generate a Steady Stream of Referrals and Recommendations

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