Leading Through People℠ for B2B Sales Leaders – B2B Sales Essentials℠, B2BSE-25

Leadership Development Program

This is THE foundational course for sales managers desiring a solid grasp on how to manage people and develop their capabilities. Participants gain a holistic perspective of best practices to equip each staff member for success, and how to correct performance or behavior back to the standards should anyone struggle. Topics include:

    B2BSE-25 Part 1 – Equipping Salespeople for Success

    Session Length: 10 hours | Target: B2B supervisor and above | Prerequisites: None | Delivery: taught live or webinar

  • Defining Performance Management
    • What is performance management in B2B sales?
    • Why performance management is one of the most crucial skills an effective sales leader can possess
    • Introducing a Holistic Performance Management Model
  • Quadrant 1: Establishing Performance Standards
    • The right job description to define key responsibilities
    • Effectively setting goals and objectives using STRAM goals
    • Setting clear and concise expectations with staff members
    • Teaching staffers the new skills and knowledge they need to succeed
    • Assigning work to staff members
  • Quadrant 2: Mastering Performance Consistently
    • Spending quality time to observe sales staff performance
    • Providing feedback and effective coaching to staff members
    • Creating a motivational climate
    • Effectively evaluating and documenting performance
    • Helping employees to solve their own problems
    • B2BSE-25 Part 2 – Correcting Back to Success

      Session Length: 6 hours | Target: Supervisor and Above | Prerequisites: B2BSE-25 Part 1 | Delivery: taught live or webinar

    • The Holistic Performance Management Model
      • A recap of Part 1: The Equipping Zone
      • The discipline of consistently applying holistic performance management
    • Quadrant 3: Counseling Unacceptable Performance or Behavior
      • Measuring and analyzing the actual gap between the standards and the observed performance or behavior
      • Counseling to correct performance deficiencies
      • Counseling to correct behavioral deficiencies
      • Issuing a verbal performance warning
      • Issuing a written warning via a performance development plan
    • Quadrant 4: Disciplinary Action
      • Taking effective disciplinary action when warranted
      • Dealing with breaches of the organization’s code of conduct
      • Properly investigating complaints when they arise
      • Properly resolving violations
      • Handling terminations with sensitivity and professionalism

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