Onboarding New Sales Hires Rapidly – B2B Sales Essentials℠, B2BSE-30

Benefits Administration

Session Length: 5 Hours | Target: Sales supervisors & above | Prerequisites: None | Delivery: Taught live or webinar

When you’ve hired the right sales professional, your next challenge is to properly onboard him or her. So much rides on getting your new salesperson producing quickly and reflecting well on your brand. People who are properly onboarded are more productive, produce earlier, and tend to stay with their employer longer than those who experience an “average” onboarding. This training is second in importance only to hiring the right sales professional! Topics include:

  • Onboarding By The Numbers:
    • The business case for onboarding and its high ROI
    • Five positive key business outcomes from rapid onboarding
      • The Case for Pre-Boarding
        • What pre-boarding prevents when properly done in a timely fashion
        • Five positive key business outcomes from pre-boarding
          • General Onboarding Strategies
            • How to build an effective onboarding plan for any sales, marketing, and biz dev role
            • The four most common onboarding fails and how to prevent them
              • How to use Assessments to Accelerate Onboarding
                • Assessment types that speed onboarding
                • How to use behavioral, emotional intelligence, and sales competency assessments to build trust, loyalty and retention
                  • How to Offboard Effectively to Improve Onboarding
                    • Offboarding best practices and how to implement them

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