Performance Management

Equip your people to achieve consistently excellent results

Assure Your Organization’s Goals are Consistently Met

You’ve made a huge investment in infrastructure and human capital, and now you need to assure a return on your investment by employees meeting and exceeding key objectives. BMG offers a variety of tools and training to help you equip your staff and leadership teams to institutionalize performance management best practices across your enterprise. Performance management means organizations get the very best out of their people by having self-directed employees with clearly understood expectations optimizing their efforts and activities.

Available Downloads
Product Showcase One - Topgrading


What separates average organizations from the truly exceptional? Most exceptional organizations employ topgrading in some form. Topgrading is defined as the process of hiring “A” players, developing “B” players into “A” players, and developing “C” players into “B” players or managing them off the bus. For more than 30 years, the principals of BMG have utilized topgrading to create high performance teams across a wide variety of industries. Topgraded companies significantly outperform non-topgraders, leading to increased market share, profit margins, and shareholder value.

Topgrading Explained [PDF]

Product Showcase Two - BMG Seminars and Workshops

BMG Seminars and Workshops

BMG offers highly effective and interactive workshops that will help your organization take the next step up in overall performance. Choose from a number of customizable programs:

View online catalog

Product Showcase Three - MS Excel-Based Performance Appraisal System

Microsoft Excel-Based Performance Appraisal System

It wouldn’t surprise you to learn that more than 92% of companies and organizations have some type of performance evaluation system. It might surprise you to learn that most employees and managers believe their performance evaluation system is ineffective. So performance evaluations are seen as a negative rather than as a positive. Developed in the field and refined over a twenty-year period, BMG offers you a highly effective and affordable performance appraisal system that:

  • Is welcomed by employees because it provides real direction;
  • Is welcomed by supervisors because it takes so little time to complete a detailed evaluation;
  • Is welcomed by HR because it provides solid, defensible documentation on performance and is self-administered;
  • Is welcomed by IT and finance because they can deploy across the enterprise with no additional infrastructure; Is welcomed by leadership because they can see results by individual, manager, department, region, and enterprise.
  • Developed for organizations of 500 or fewer employees; Microsoft Excel required

Performance Management Cycle

Product Showcase Four - Compliance Training

Compliance Training

Good governance means that your staff and management obey all prevailing federal, state and local laws, helping your organization to enjoy a good reputation for corporate citizenship. Boyer Management Group can make this easy by aligning your managers and staff around key compliance areas like sexual harassment prevention, managing workplace stress, and assuring ethics across the organization.

View Available Compliance Training

Related FAQs, Quiz, Links & Case Studies
  • Is it or Isn’t it Sexual Harassment Quiz [View]
  • Performance Management Made Simple℠ FAQs [View]
What Our Customers Say About Us

“I have been working with Hank as a coach for almost a year and he has helped me and my department to achieve record sales results (over 100% increase YTD), attain better margins, improve employee performance, reduce operating expenses, and become a more effective manager. He helps me to think things through so that I reach consistently good conclusions, while encouraging my professional growth and development. I look forward to bouncing ideas off him and have found his advice and counsel to be spot on. He is highly flexible and a great judge of people.

In addition,our company enlisted Hank's experience and knowledge to create and implement new customer handling standards, and trained our entire staff on how to deliver consistently exceptional service. I would highly recommend Hank as a business coach and advisor, and look forward to continuing to have him as my coach."

- Ellie S, Director of Visitor Service, Hospitality Industry

“I participated in the B2B Sales Essentials Course which was devised and delivered by Hank at BMG. The course was a very thorough, very useful study of best sales practice. The whole team benefitted from Hank's knowledge and experience in this area.”

- Jamie F, Director of Sales Europe, Middle East & Africa, Specialty Manufacturing Industry

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“Boyer Management Group’s president Hank Boyer brought B2B Sales Essentials, an interesting insight to sales preparation & technique to ensure our team has the best chance of success in the highly competitive market conditions in which we increasingly find ourselves. The training appears to have crossed the Atlantic successfully & we are having great fun in applying it.”

Vivian T.
Sales Manager, Asia Pacific Region