Seven Ways to Convince a Committee
Whether you are in sales or interviewing for a job, eventually you will face the dreaded “committee” that you will… Continue Reading
Posted in Career Search Tools & Education, Improve Sales & Profits, Latest Leadership Posts, Talent Development & Training
Tagged: B2B, behavior, body language, career search, closing, committee, customer, employment, ESR, experience, handshake, interview, job, observing, panel, planning, preparation, presentation, research, sales
Seven Ways to Convince a Committee
Whether you are in sales or interviewing for a job, sooner or later you will face the dreaded “committee”… Continue Reading
Posted in Career Search Tools & Education, Improve Sales & Profits, Latest Leadership Posts, Talent Development & Training
Tagged: B2B, behavior, body language, career search, closing, committee, customer, employment, ESR, experience, handshake, interview, job, observing, panel, planning, preparation, presentation, research, sales