What Colleges & Universities Need to Get Right in Order to Thrive Again
If a career is the objective of a college education, then why isn’t a course on How to Conduct Your… Continue Reading
Posted in Assessments & Evaluations, Career Search Tools & Education, Latest Leadership Posts, Strategic Planning
Tagged: admission, alumni, assessment, campus, career, career center, career education, career preparation, career readiness, career services, college, compensation, curriculum, education, employability, GEPA, graduate, hired, hiring, income, interviewing, interviews, job, job search, job skills, jobs, measure, norms, research, school, university
If a Career is the Objective of a College Education, Then Why Isn’t How to Conduct a Career Search Being Taught on Campus?
I recently read a terrific blog by David Kimmelman, founder of Student Career Quest of Boston, MA. In his blog,… Continue Reading
Posted in Assessments & Evaluations, Career Search Tools & Education, Latest Leadership Posts
Tagged: admission, alumni, analyze, assessment, campus, career, career readiness, career services, coaching, college, college interview, curriculum, education, employability, GEPA, graduate, hired, hiring, income, interviewing, interviews, job, job search, jobs, measure, norms, planning, preparation, research, school, skills, student faculty ratio, understanding, university
How to Determine Your Organization’s Training Needs
A great training program should never cost your organization anything. Instead, it should provide a positive return on your investment… Continue Reading
Posted in Assessments & Evaluations, Dynamic Training News, Performance Management, Talent Development & Training, Team Building & Alignment
Tagged: analyze, apply, assessments, behavior, benchmark, development, employee-retention, engagement, expect, experts, feedback, Gen Y, goals, inspect, KPI, leaders, master, measure, norms, objectives, outcomes, performance, reinforcement, skills, success, training