What You Don’t Know About B2B Selling Best Practices Will Hurt You
You may be forfeiting hundreds of thousands of dollars in future earnings by remaining ignorant of the current and emerging… Continue Reading
Posted in Assessments & Evaluations, Dynamic Training News, Improve Sales & Profits, Leadership Development & Training, Talent Development & Training
Tagged: account management, assessment, B2B, B2B sales, B2B Sales Essentials, B2BSE, best practices, closing, consultative, customer, customer satisfaction, earnings, follow up, income, influence, market share, needs assessment, post-sale, prospect, relational, sales, sales professional, sales technology, salespeople, selling, selling ratios, transactional
Are Your B2B Selling Skills Up to Date?
Over the past few decades a seismic paradigm shift has occurred in the best practices associated with effective B2B selling.… Continue Reading
Posted in Assessments & Evaluations, Dynamic Training News, Improve Sales & Profits, Performance Management, Talent Development & Training
Tagged: assessment, assessments, B2B, benchmark, coaching, competitive, competitor, consultative, customer-facing, development, global, goals, growth, international, leaders, leadership, low price, measure, needs, needs assessment, objectives, observing, paradigm shift, performance, planning, relational, sales, strategy, technology, training, transactional, value