Biblical Education

God is and has been our Jehovah Jireh

A Message from the President

JehovahJireh Corporation, dba Boyer Management Group, was founded in 1998 to be a biblical values-based corporation. The name JehovahJireh means, “The Lord Shall Provide.” And He has bountifully provided from the first day of our operations, Thanksgiving Day, 1998.

I had been a successful senior executive for both large and small organizations during my 24 years in the corporate arena. In 1997 the Lord led me to accept an early retirement (at age 42) from Comcast Corporation, where I had been serving as the vice president of sales for Comcast Communications Corporation, presiding over nearly $800 million in sales (up from $28 million over my 7 year tenure). As I pondered what God had in mind for me to do, I spent 16 months working through my non-compete agreement, while I served as COO for a large, 2000-person face to face marking firm. It was in the summer of 1998 that God placed in my heart the desire to take an Indiana Jones-like step off the cliff in faith and start JehovahJireh Corporation.

During my time in the corporate world I saw the need for Christian Biblical values to be lived out in the workplace, reflected in my own desire to work to the best of my ability to serve my employer as the Lord (Ephesians 6:5-9). I wanted this to be the hallmark of Boyer Management Group, and ensure that we serve our clients with integrity in everything that we do: things like keeping commitments, delivering more that what is expected, responsiveness, under-billing for services, getting it right rather than getting it ‘almost right,’ offering exceptional value… Over the nearly fifteen years that BMG has been in existence, I can truly say that God has provided faithfully in all areas. He’s the Author of the insight we use to innovate solutions for our clients.

When I’m not helping businesses to tackle problems, or senior leaders to improve their effectiveness, or organizations to better plan and grow, my favorite avocation is to write (and teach) in-depth Bible studies. I believe God dictates and I try to keep up with the typing. I use these Bible studies in teaching an adult Sunday school class at my local church.

We are offering a selection of Biblical studies here, free for the taking, just as God’s free gift of salvation. I hope you find them to be of value.

What you should know about these studies:

  • Translation. I use the NKJV translation, though we visit the Hebrew and Greek, since English translations lose a bit of meaning from the original language.
  • Format. All materials are in pdf form.
    • You’ll see Leader’s and Student Workbooks. The only difference is that I place my leader’s notes in the Leader’s Workbook.
    • You’ll see some additional notes pages, where I capture some of the notes and Scriptures related to the content.
    • When I assemble the leader’s workbook, I use clear plastic sleeves to place the pages in the correct order when there is a page with “Additional Notes”…that way, the Additional Notes page can face the related workbook page.
  • Copyright and Permissions. The text and diagrams in the Bible studies are copyrighted by JehovahJireh Corp. (the pictures come from a variety of sources). You have my permission to use the materials for personal use, use in church, or for small group study, but NOT to sell them.
Product Showcase One – Jonah, the Runaway Prophet

Most people are familiar with Jonah…the guy who got swallowed by the big fish, because he didn’t want to be God’s messenger to a people group who had oppressed his own people, the Jews of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This study deals with the ten miracles of the story and the world’s most evil city of Jonah’s day. This study explores the sovereignty of God versus the sovereignty of man, and the powerful call to live an ‘examined life.’ Key questions that are explored:

  • Can you run away from God, or does He come after you?
  • Why do God’s people have trials and troubles?
  • What is Sheol, Hades and Hell, and how do they relate to me?
  • How can a revival take place today like the one in Nineveh?
  • What if you don’t like what God is doing?

54 pages

  • Jonah, The Runaway Prophet Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Jonah, The Runaway Prophet Student Workbook [PDF]
  • Jonah, Additional Notes Pages [PDF]
Product Showcase Two – Footprints of the Messiah

What Bible study was given twelve times in the Book of Acts by seven different people, given twice in the Gospels by Jesus Christ Himself, and is almost never given today? Answer: that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of Israel, proven from the Jewish Scriptures of the “Old Testament.” Selected topics include:

  • A Walk Down Emmaus Road
  • Jesus, the Promised Seed of Genesis
  • Messiah in the Psalms
  • The Passage the Rabbis Wish Wasn’t There
  • Fulfilled Prophesies of the Gospels
  • How the Tabernacle in the Wilderness Points to Jesus Christ

48 pages

  • Footprints of the Messiah Appendix Section [PDF]
  • Footprints of the Messiah Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Footprint of the Messiah, Additional Notes Pages [PDF]
Product Showcase Three – Jude: Pure Dynamite in a Small Package

The Book of Jude, thought just 25 verses long, is an incredibly powerful book that describes much of what is happening today in our current generation. Jude set out to write a letter about salvation, but God wanted him to write about the current age of apostasy. The events spoken of in Jude could well be laying the foundation for the coming Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s trouble. Selected topics include:

  • Can You Lose Your Salvation? Are Apostates Saved?
  • What Caused the Flood of Noah?
  • Angelic Warfare
  • Three Men and a Warning: Cain, Balaam and Korah
  • Comparing Apostles, Apostates and Us

87 pages

  • Jude Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Jude Student Workbook [PDF]
  • Jude Additional Notes Pages [PDF]
Product Showcase Four – Grow Up! The Epistles of Peter

Don’t you just love the gospel stories of Peter? Every time he opens his mouth is seems like he does so to change feet! The story of Peter and his growth and maturity serves as a blueprint for each Christian. Like a newborn baby, the newborn Christian must grow beyond the stages of infancy into childhood, adolescence and finally into mature adulthood. Salvation gives Christians life after death. However, the issue for most of us is not life after death, but life after birth. What should you do to grow up into the person God intends you to be? Selected topics include:

  • The Sovereignty of God vs. the Sovereignty of Man
  • Peter’s Milestone Events (and How They Helped Him Grow Up)
  • Growing Up in Our Speech and Attitudes
  • How to Live in a Pagan Culture
  • Finishing Well

154 pages

  • Peter – Grow Up Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Peter – Grow Up Student Workbook [PDF]
  • Peter – Grow Up Additional Notes Pages [PDF]
Product Showcase Five – The Beginning of Wisdom (Proverbs)

This study takes a look at wisdom…where does it come from, how do you get it, and what does it say about living in today’s complex world. The Book of Proverbs contains 31 chapters…and it has been pointed out that to become wise person, read one a day each month every month of your life. This study explores how to understand the Book of Proverbs and apply it to your life. Selected topics include:

  • A Portrait of a Fool
  • Wisdom With Money
  • Wisdom and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Dealing with Pride, Jealousy and Envy
  • Wisdom for Every Occasion

40 pages

  • Proverbs, the Beginning of Wisdom Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Proverbs, the Beginning of Wisdom Student Workbook [PDF]
  • Proverbs, the Beginning of Wisdom Additional Notes pages [PDF]
Product Showcase Six – Between the Pillars

Based on a study by Chuck and Nancy Missler, this provocative study looks at God’s blueprint for the architecture of man. Scripture tells us that God uses models (“similitudes’) to communicate truths to us. Could it be that he communicates a whole lot more than just buildings with His blueprints for the tabernacle and temple? Seven times we read in the New testament that believers are the “temple of God” – is this just a quaint figure of speech or a literal truth? Decide for yourself! Selected topics include:

  • Models in Scripture
  • A Study of the Tabernacle
  • A Study of the Temple
  • Loving God First, Then Loving Others
  • Satan’s Counterplan For Your Life
  • The Renewed Mind of a Christian
  • Dealing With, and Cleansing From, Your Own Sin

148 pages

  • Between the Pillars Leader’s Workbook [PDF]
  • Between the Pillars Student Workbook [PDF]
  • Between the Pillars Additional Notes Pages [PDF]

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“Boyer Management Group’s president Hank Boyer brought B2B Sales Essentials, an interesting insight to sales preparation & technique to ensure our team has the best chance of success in the highly competitive market conditions in which we increasingly find ourselves. The training appears to have crossed the Atlantic successfully & we are having great fun in applying it.”

Vivian T.
Sales Manager, Asia Pacific Region