Career Development / Job Search Tools & Education

Get a better job faster in your field of interest

Raise Your Job Search & Career Development Trajectory!

What a roller coaster ride it has been over the past decade! For the first 90 months you couldn’t find enough jobs. Two years ago the market suddenly heated up and now we are poised to enter our third year of 30%-plus employee turnover. Regardless of whether it has been a weak or strong jobs market, the competition for the desirable openings has been intense, with job seekers searching for those little edges that add up to winning the job of choice. Add to all this the fact that the past decade has literally re-written the rules for conducting an effective job search.

In the face of continuous change just landing a great job is not enough. One must continue developing new skills to replace ones no longer needed or relevant. Gone are the days of allowing your career to develop on its own – today’s careers require people to implement and execute a strategic career development plan.

How does someone conduct an effective job and career search when the rules and technology are constantly changing? And how does one manage their own career development to keep it on a positive career trajectory?

For more than two decades BMG’s career search experts have advised businesses, organizations and institutions on effective hiring practices, and assisted thousands of job seekers get a better job faster in their fields of interest. We offer some of the most innovative and dynamic career and job search tools for individuals, career coaches, recruiters, executive search firms, and higher education:

Powerful Tools For Your Career Search Tools
Individuals and Personal Users who want the most up-to-date job search guidance should purchase the Kindle eBookGet a Better Job Faster℠ through
Institutions of Higher Education Working With: Students & Recent Grads such as: Career Services; Teachers of Job Search Courses; and Career Coaches
Institutions Working With Experienced Professionals & Skilled Workers such as: Military-Transitioning-to-Civilian Careers; Career Coaches; Career Counselors;Job Search Trainers; and Executive Search Firms
Available Downloads
  • GEPA℠ Development Guide℠ Table of Contents (Most Recent Edition) [PDF]
  • Career Search Education Brochure [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Brochure [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Sample Score Report and Question Detail [PDF]
  • GEPA℠ Whitepaper Abstract [PDF]
  • JSRA℠ Development Guide℠ Table of Contents (Most Recent Edition) [PDF]
  • JSRA℠ Product Data Sheet and Brochure [PDF]
  • JSRA℠ Sample Score Report and Question Detail [PDF]
  • What Does the Average Job Seeker Know About Conducting an Effective Job Search? [PDF]
  • Recent Job Search Competence Study [PDF]
Product Showcase One - GEPA, the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment & Textbook (for higher ed, college students, and recent grads)

The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment for college students and recent grads

The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment (GEPA) helps college student and recent graduate job seekers get a better job faster in their field of interest. The online assessment measures what an individual knows about the current and emerging best practices of conducting an effective job and career search. Participants receive a scorecard, personal feedback report, and a downloadable e-book. Our 2016 edition explains more than 2,500 career search best practices, strategies, checklists, examples, and templates to drive a complete job and career search.

  • Incorporated by higher ed as part of an accredited curriculum
  • Downloadable e-book updated annually to assure current and emerging best practices
  • Offered as your choice of a single 50-question assessment or five 10-question assessments for each of the five job search competencies
  • Re-test option to measure learning outcomes
  • Delivered on the world’s most trusted testing platform for higher education, Measured Success®

View: The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment

Purchase and take the GEPA Assessment through our Vantage Online Store:

Single GEPA Assessment plus GEPA Development Guide Textbook - $99.88

Single GEPA Assessment with Retake plus GEPA Development Guide Textbook - $129.88

Product Showcase Two - JSRA, the Job Search Readiness Assessment & Textbook (for experienced professionals and skilled workers)

The Job Search Readiness Assessment

The Job Search Preparedness Assessment℠ (JSRA℠) helps experienced professionals get a better job faster in their field of interest. The online assessment measures what an individual knows about the current and emerging best practices of conducting an effective job and career search. For less than what you’ll earn in your first few hours of work at your new job, participants receive:

  • Online access to complete the JSRA℠ Assessment;
  • Your downloadable personal JSRA℠ Score Report and Question Detail;
  • Your downloadable JSRA℠ Personal Feedback Report;
  • Your downloadable JSRA℠ Development Guide. The recently published edition explains more than 2,500 career search best practices, strategies, checklists, examples, and templates to drive a complete job and career search; and
  • Online access to these resources for one year through Measured Success®.

The Job Search Readiness Assessment℠ is ideal for job seekers in the following categories:

  • The experienced professional and skilled worker considering a career change.
  • Individuals transitioning from military service into civilian employment.
  • Individuals re-entering the workforce after a prolonged absence.
  • Workers over forty concerned about the best way to position their experience in a search.

The Job Search Readiness Assessment℠ is feature-rich:

  • Downloadable e-book updated annually to assure current and emerging best practices
  • Offered as your choice of a single 50-question assessment or five 10-question assessments for each of the five job search competencies
  • Re-test option to measure learning outcomes
  • Delivered on the world’s most trusted testing platform for higher education, Measured Success®

View: The Job Search Readiness Assessment

Purchase and take the JSRA Assessment through our Vantage Online Store:

Single JSRA Assessment plus JSRA Development Guide Textbook - $99.88

Single JSRA Assessment with Retake plus JSRA Development Guide Textbook - $129.88

Product Showcase Three - From Classroom to Career℠ Collegiate Curriculum (for higher ed and workforce development agencies)

From Classroom to Career℠ Collegiate Curriculum

The From Classroom to Career℠ multimedia curriculum was implemented at a large (35,000-student) accredited university system in the Southeastern US as a 4-credit course required for graduation. Taught in both traditional classroom and online settings, From Classroom to Career℠ consists of 44 instructional hours. Includes the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ as both a pre-assessment and post-assessment to measure learning outcomes for the class.

From Classroom to Career℠ can be modified to expand or contract to accommodate the specific needs of individual institutions. Ideal for 2- and 4-year college programs, graduate schools, trade schools, adult education, state institutions, and anywhere teaching people the best practices of an effective career search is needed.

View: From Classroom to Career℠ Collegiate Curriculum

Career and Job Search Blog

As the rules for conducting an effective career and job search seem to change monthly, stay ahead of your competition for the best jobs by reading BMG’s Career & Job Search Blog. Learn the latest strategies and trends. Explore best practices to help you stand head and shoulders above other job seekers. Better understand how to utilize existing job search tools and technologies. Explore ideas for career growth and advancement. All this and more, published one or more times every month. We invite you to share this link!

  • BMG’s Career & Job Search Blog [View]
Related FAQs, Quiz, Links & Case Studies
  • GEPA Case Study [View]
  • Conducting an Effective Job Search Quiz [View]
  • Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment℠ FAQs [View]
  • Purchase and take the GEPA Assessment through the Vantage Online Store [Purchase]
What Our Customers Say About Us

“The Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment allowed me to explore where I needed to improve in order to make my job search more successful.”

- Kristina C, University of Notre Dame graduate

“I was very impressed with the high quality of GEPA and the unique service it offered to students. I would recommend this assessment to anyone looking for a tool to prepare for getting a job in his/her field of interest. There is no other tool like this on the market.”

- Gwen R, Cairn University graduate

“BMG was contracted to develop and implement the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment and curriculum into the structure of the college where I served as Director of Career Services. The materials, which were well thought out, laid the ground work for a more successful graduate entering into the marketplace. As a Career Coach, I was not only impressed with the amount of work that went into the instrument but the deep quality of the material. This work is by far the best I have seen or used...EVER! I recommend BMG to anyone looking to take their school or institution to a level untapped before. This company delivers great results: innovative in thinking, thorough in communication and very knowledgeable as a subject matter expert relating to how best to prepare grads to exit the classroom and enter the marketplace.”

- Valton J, Director of Career Services, Higher Education

“BMG has developed a "Best of Class" assessment tool for measuring the preparedness of college graduates for the working world. This new assessment tool is the first on-line assessment that accurately assesses preparedness - analyzes gaps - recommends areas for improvement, and provides specific learning deliverables in the areas of weakness. As an adjunct, I see this as a tremendous need if colleges are to be successful in helping students obtain employment. Hank and his ground breaking work is a major contributor to the success of college graduates getting jobs in the new economy. I have reviewed his material in detail and highly recommend the use of the Graduate Employment Preparedness Assessment (GEPA).”

- Larry B, Senior Adjunct Professor, Higher Education.

Want to learn more about GEPA? Visit our GEPA section

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