Succession Planning in My Organization – Leading Through People™, Module 20

LTP20 - Succession Planning in My Organization

Session Length: 5 hours | Target: Supervisor and Above | Prerequisites: none | Delivery: Taught live or webinar

What would you do if you suddenly lost an irreplaceable leader or key specialist, or had your most experienced manager retire? Would you be able to smoothly transition through the disruption, or would such a loss set your organization back significantly? Now more than ever organizations large and small are taking steps to assure the smooth continuation of business following all types of unplanned staff turnover. Participants will learn how to use all of the Succession Planning Made Simple™ principles, tools, and resources packed into this half-day workshop. Here’s what you’ll learn:

      • What is Succession Planning and Why is it Important?
        • Succession planning, disaster recovery, and business continuity
        • The six critical factors driving the need for succession planning
        • McDonald’s Corp case study of smoothly transitioning leadership amid disruptive events
        • Emerging generational trends driving deeper chaos in the absence of common-sense planning
      • Disaster Recovery Succession Planning for When You Meet With an Unplanned Key Talent Loss
        • Assessing your organizational or departmental risk for unplanned key talent losses
        • Preventive strategies to mitigate unplanned talent losses
        • Responding in the event of a sudden and unexpected talent loss
      • Succession Planning to Assure Continued Operations
        • Five key stages of an effective succession plan
        • Identifying the key people, roles, and essential skills for succession planning
        • Identifying internal and external candidates
        • Performing a skills, talent, and specialized knowledge gap analysis
        • Implementing effective development plans for internal candidates
        • Common succession planning challenges, and tips to overcome them
      • Succession Planning Tools and Resources
        • Exit interviews, stay interviews, and assessments
        • The 9-Box Tool and Hi-Po programs to identify and develop internal candidates
        • Creating and implementing individual development plans
        • A selection of organizational and departmental succession planning tools

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