Everyday Creativity and Passion

Everyday Creativity and Passion

Session Length: 1.5 Hours | Target: All Employee, all levels | Prerequisites: None

We’re called upon every day to utilize our creativity and passion to accomplish our objectives. Yet many people fall into work habits where they do the ‘same old same old’ passionless tasks. This workshop uses an inspiring video by renowned National Geographic photojournalist DeWitt Jones to illustrate how to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary by challenging participants to look at their current assignments in a new, exciting and different way. Topics include:

  • Creativity – the ability to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary
  • It’s a Matter of Perspective – are you injecting the ‘new’ into each day, or are you settling for the ‘same old same old?’
  • There’s More than One RIGHT Answer – applying this principle to the most mundane tasks
  • Reframing Problems Into Opportunities – take you two biggest problem areas and turn them into opportunities
  • Placing Yourself in the Position of Greatest Opportunity
  • Becoming PASSIONATE About Change – it really is up to me!

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